Main Business & Commercial Insurances:
Business Assets Insurance
(Material Damage)
Business Interruption
Business Life,
Trauma & TPD Covers
Commercial Motor
Vehicle Insurance
Protection Cover
Income Insurance:
New to Business Options
Income Insurance:
Rural & Farm
Key Person:
Loss of Revenue Cover
Buyout Cover
Indemnity Insurance
Liability Insurancee
Self Employed
ACC Reviews
Other Business And Commercial Insurances:

New Zealand is made up of budding entrepreneurs and business owners, ranging from the corner dairy through to international renowned exporters. Business and owners of those businesses, need to have comprehensive insurances to help them continue to trade should catastrophe strike.
Balance Advisors specialises in tailored commercial and business insurance solutions. Covering your assets, your lost income following a loss, you and your key people and of course potential liabilities as a consequence of conducting your business.
When a business loses its sole trader, a key employee, an owner or a business partner, the consequences can be dramatic.
Profits can fall, loans may have to be repaid at short notice or, at worst, and the future viability of the business can come under threat.
It is essential for business owners to know that, even if the worst should happen to a key stakeholder, they’ll have the financial means to stay on track.
Business Protection Plans will provide ways of helping protect business finances, offering a comprehensive range of covers that provide financial support in a variety of situations.
Allowing you to mix and match any number of covers, for as many key stakeholders as needed, and with the appropriate ownership structures to achieve the correct outcome for your specific business.
The following is a very limited summary of commercial and business-related insurance policies available.